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Aher Vishal Haribhau, Ugale Akshay Narsing, Bankar Vasant Sharad, and Bhate Amitsing Ashoksing. "Design and Developement of Cooling Pocket In Injection Moulding" International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
Volume 5 Issue 3 2019 Page 961-965 |
Aher Vishal Haribhau, Ugale Akshay Narsing, Bankar Vasant Sharad, and Bhate Amitsing Ashoksing. "Design and Developement of Cooling Pocket In Injection Moulding." International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
5.3(2019) : 961-965.
Aher Vishal Haribhau, Ugale Akshay Narsing, Bankar Vasant Sharad, & Bhate Amitsing Ashoksing. (2019). Design and Developement of Cooling Pocket In Injection Moulding. International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
5(3), 961-965.
Aher Vishal Haribhau, Ugale Akshay Narsing, Bankar Vasant Sharad, and Bhate Amitsing Ashoksing. "Design and Developement of Cooling Pocket In Injection Moulding." International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
5, no. 3 (2019) : 961-965.
Aher Vishal Haribhau, Ugale Akshay Narsing, Bankar Vasant Sharad, and Bhate Amitsing Ashoksing. 'Design and Developement of Cooling Pocket In Injection Moulding',
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
vol. 5, no. 3, 2019,
p. 961-965.
Available from IJARIIE, (Accessed : ).
Aher Vishal Haribhau, Ugale Akshay Narsing, Bankar Vasant Sharad, and Bhate Amitsing Ashoksing. (2019) 'Design and Developement of Cooling Pocket In Injection Moulding',
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
5(3), pp. 961-965IJARIIE [Online].
Available at: (Accessed : )
Aher Vishal Haribhau, Ugale Akshay Narsing, Bankar Vasant Sharad, and Bhate Amitsing Ashoksing, "Design and Developement of Cooling Pocket In Injection Moulding,"
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 961-965,
May-Jun 2019. [Online].
Available: [Accessed : ].
Aher Vishal Haribhau, Ugale Akshay Narsing, Bankar Vasant Sharad, and Bhate Amitsing Ashoksing. "Design and Developement of Cooling Pocket In Injection Moulding."
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education [Online].
volume 5 number 3
Aher Vishal Haribhau, Ugale Akshay Narsing, Bankar Vasant Sharad, and Bhate Amitsing Ashoksing. Design and Developement of Cooling Pocket In Injection Moulding.
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education [Internet]. 2019
[Cited : ];
5(3) : 961-965.
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