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Mr.Divekar Nilesh Dattatratry, Mr.Dengale Abhijeet Raosaheb, Mr.Wagh suraj Ashok, and Mr. Dange Prashant Ashok. "College Management Application" International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
Volume 3 Issue 2 2017 Page 731-734 |
Mr.Divekar Nilesh Dattatratry, Mr.Dengale Abhijeet Raosaheb, Mr.Wagh suraj Ashok, and Mr. Dange Prashant Ashok. "College Management Application." International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
3.2(2017) : 731-734.
Mr.Divekar Nilesh Dattatratry, Mr.Dengale Abhijeet Raosaheb, Mr.Wagh suraj Ashok, & Mr. Dange Prashant Ashok. (2017). College Management Application. International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
3(2), 731-734.
Mr.Divekar Nilesh Dattatratry, Mr.Dengale Abhijeet Raosaheb, Mr.Wagh suraj Ashok, and Mr. Dange Prashant Ashok. "College Management Application." International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
3, no. 2 (2017) : 731-734.
Mr.Divekar Nilesh Dattatratry, Mr.Dengale Abhijeet Raosaheb, Mr.Wagh suraj Ashok, and Mr. Dange Prashant Ashok. 'College Management Application',
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
vol. 3, no. 2, 2017,
p. 731-734.
Available from IJARIIE, (Accessed : ).
Mr.Divekar Nilesh Dattatratry, Mr.Dengale Abhijeet Raosaheb, Mr.Wagh suraj Ashok, and Mr. Dange Prashant Ashok. (2017) 'College Management Application',
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
3(2), pp. 731-734IJARIIE [Online].
Available at: (Accessed : )
Mr.Divekar Nilesh Dattatratry, Mr.Dengale Abhijeet Raosaheb, Mr.Wagh suraj Ashok, and Mr. Dange Prashant Ashok, "College Management Application,"
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 731-734,
Mar-App 2017. [Online].
Available: [Accessed : ].
Mr.Divekar Nilesh Dattatratry, Mr.Dengale Abhijeet Raosaheb, Mr.Wagh suraj Ashok, and Mr. Dange Prashant Ashok. "College Management Application."
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education [Online].
volume 3 number 2
Mr.Divekar Nilesh Dattatratry, Mr.Dengale Abhijeet Raosaheb, Mr.Wagh suraj Ashok, and Mr. Dange Prashant Ashok. College Management Application.
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education [Internet]. 2017
[Cited : ];
3(2) : 731-734.
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