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Sakthi balan G, Santhosh kumar P C, Ram Prasad C, Stalin Barath D, Suriya Prakash S, and Venkateswaran K S. "Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer of Cuo/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol Nanofluid in a Counterflow Heat Exchanger with Twisted Tape" International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
Volume 5 Issue 4 2019 Page 81-86 |
Sakthi balan G, Santhosh kumar P C, Ram Prasad C, Stalin Barath D, Suriya Prakash S, and Venkateswaran K S. "Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer of Cuo/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol Nanofluid in a Counterflow Heat Exchanger with Twisted Tape." International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
5.4(2019) : 81-86.
Sakthi balan G, Santhosh kumar P C, Ram Prasad C, Stalin Barath D, Suriya Prakash S, & Venkateswaran K S. (2019). Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer of Cuo/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol Nanofluid in a Counterflow Heat Exchanger with Twisted Tape. International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
5(4), 81-86.
Sakthi balan G, Santhosh kumar P C, Ram Prasad C, Stalin Barath D, Suriya Prakash S, and Venkateswaran K S. "Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer of Cuo/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol Nanofluid in a Counterflow Heat Exchanger with Twisted Tape." International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
5, no. 4 (2019) : 81-86.
Sakthi balan G, Santhosh kumar P C, Ram Prasad C, Stalin Barath D, Suriya Prakash S, and Venkateswaran K S. 'Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer of Cuo/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol Nanofluid in a Counterflow Heat Exchanger with Twisted Tape',
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
vol. 5, no. 4, 2019,
p. 81-86.
Available from IJARIIE, (Accessed : 26 May 2020).
Sakthi balan G, Santhosh kumar P C, Ram Prasad C, Stalin Barath D, Suriya Prakash S, and Venkateswaran K S. (2019) 'Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer of Cuo/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol Nanofluid in a Counterflow Heat Exchanger with Twisted Tape',
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
5(4), pp. 81-86IJARIIE [Online].
Available at: (Accessed : 26 May 2020)
Sakthi balan G, Santhosh kumar P C, Ram Prasad C, Stalin Barath D, Suriya Prakash S, and Venkateswaran K S, "Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer of Cuo/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol Nanofluid in a Counterflow Heat Exchanger with Twisted Tape,"
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 81-86,
Jul-Aug 2019. [Online].
Available: [Accessed : 26 May 2020].
Sakthi balan G, Santhosh kumar P C, Ram Prasad C, Stalin Barath D, Suriya Prakash S, and Venkateswaran K S. "Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer of Cuo/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol Nanofluid in a Counterflow Heat Exchanger with Twisted Tape."
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education [Online].
volume 5 number 4
(26 May 2020).
Sakthi balan G, Santhosh kumar P C, Ram Prasad C, Stalin Barath D, Suriya Prakash S, and Venkateswaran K S. Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer of Cuo/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol Nanofluid in a Counterflow Heat Exchanger with Twisted Tape.
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education [Internet]. 2019
[Cited : 26 May 2020];
5(4) : 81-86.
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