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Sanjana Thakur, Prof. Ashwini Khairkar, Tripti Chauhan, Namrata Dhaigude, and Priyanka Kumari. "Summarization of "Terms and Conditions" based on machine learning." International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
Volume 3 Issue 2 2017 Page 4191-4193 |
Sanjana Thakur, Prof. Ashwini Khairkar, Tripti Chauhan, Namrata Dhaigude, and Priyanka Kumari. "Summarization of "Terms and Conditions" based on machine learning.." International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
3.2(2017) : 4191-4193.
Sanjana Thakur, Prof. Ashwini Khairkar, Tripti Chauhan, Namrata Dhaigude, & Priyanka Kumari. (2017). Summarization of "Terms and Conditions" based on machine learning.. International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
3(2), 4191-4193.
Sanjana Thakur, Prof. Ashwini Khairkar, Tripti Chauhan, Namrata Dhaigude, and Priyanka Kumari. "Summarization of "Terms and Conditions" based on machine learning.." International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
3, no. 2 (2017) : 4191-4193.
Sanjana Thakur, Prof. Ashwini Khairkar, Tripti Chauhan, Namrata Dhaigude, and Priyanka Kumari. 'Summarization of "Terms and Conditions" based on machine learning.',
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
vol. 3, no. 2, 2017,
p. 4191-4193.
Available from IJARIIE, (Accessed : ).
Sanjana Thakur, Prof. Ashwini Khairkar, Tripti Chauhan, Namrata Dhaigude, and Priyanka Kumari. (2017) 'Summarization of "Terms and Conditions" based on machine learning.',
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
3(2), pp. 4191-4193IJARIIE [Online].
Available at: (Accessed : )
Sanjana Thakur, Prof. Ashwini Khairkar, Tripti Chauhan, Namrata Dhaigude, and Priyanka Kumari, "Summarization of "Terms and Conditions" based on machine learning.,"
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education,
vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 4191-4193,
Mar-App 2017. [Online].
Available: [Accessed : ].
Sanjana Thakur, Prof. Ashwini Khairkar, Tripti Chauhan, Namrata Dhaigude, and Priyanka Kumari. "Summarization of "Terms and Conditions" based on machine learning.."
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education [Online].
volume 3 number 2
Sanjana Thakur, Prof. Ashwini Khairkar, Tripti Chauhan, Namrata Dhaigude, and Priyanka Kumari. Summarization of "Terms and Conditions" based on machine learning..
International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education [Internet]. 2017
[Cited : ];
3(2) : 4191-4193.
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